Live the life you please - 30 minute version

Live the life you please is an impact film campaign that will change the way you think about palliative care. Told by medical professionals, patients and their families, it is an intimate portrait of the end of life experience and makes profound observations about life, death and what happens in between.

It will introduce you to the advocates campaigning tirelessly to make palliative care available to every Australian where and when they need it – be that in aged care, a hospital setting or at home.

  • Live the life you please - 30 minute version

    1 video

    Live the life you please is an impact film campaign that will change the way you think about palliative care. Told by medical professionals, patients and their families, it is an intimate portrait of the end of life experience and makes profound observations about life, death and what happens in ...

  • Live the life you please - Educational Package

    19 videos

    'Live the life you please' is a film-led social impact campaign that will change the way you think about the last chapter of life.

    The Educational Package is tailored to the needs of educators in medical education, hospitals, hospice, palliative care, end-of-life care, spiritual care, doulas, gr...

  • Conquering Cervical Cancer (Original Version)

    1 video

    Can you imagine a world without cancer? For the first time in human history, the elimination of a cancer - cervical cancer - is possible. Conquering Cancer is definitive film with a soaring ambition. This global health moonshot can save the lives of over 62 million women in a generation.
