SLIP! SLOP! SLAP! - The birth of an iconic media campaign
2m 59s
How does a public messaging media campaign ensure it stands the test of time?
Todd Harper, CEO of Cancer Council Victoria, reflects on the evolution and impact of advertising campaigns in the fight against skin cancer- most notably, the iconic ’SLIP! SLOP! SLAP!’ campaign.
Forty years after this memorable campaign was launched, it's still saving lives.
David Hill AO (CCVIC CEO 2002-2011) also details the origin story of the campaign, recognising the “gold class team” who created an iconic slogan and campaign that has certainly stood the test of time.
Todd also shares insights into maintaining the momentum of media campaigns and how Australia's leading prevention efforts keep him optimistic about conquering skin cancer. While complacency remains a challenge, the incredible progress over recent decades gives him hope for the future.